2024.6 Congrats to Bofeng Liu, Xiaotong Wu, Zili Lin and Jing Ma for publishing the putative enhancers and key regulators in mouse oocytes and early embryos in Nature Cell Biology!

2024.4 Welcome Lijuan Wang, Chang Gao, Qian Li and Yuanquan Xu to join the Xie lab for their Ph.D. study!

2024.1 Congrats to Lijia Li, and Fangnong Lai for publishing the bipotent function of lineage regulators TFAP2C and NR5A2 in totipotent embryos in nature structural & molecular biology !


2023.12 Congrats to Lijia Li, Fangnong Lai, Xiaoyu Hu, and Bofeng Liu for publishing the multifaceted SOX2-chromatin interaction, which underpins the pluripotency progression, in early embryos in Science!

2023.11 Congrats to Fangnong Lai, Lijia Li, Xiaoyu Hu, and Bofeng Liu for publishing the role of Nr5a2 in connecting zygotic genome activation to the first lineage segregation in totipotent embryos in Cell Research!

2023.7 Congrats to Shuyan Ji, Fengling Chen, Jiacheng Wang, and Ziming Zhou for publishing the role of OBOX in regulating murine zygotic genome activation and early development in Nature!

2023.7 Congrats to Hongmei Zhang, Shuyan Ji, and Ke Zhang for publishing the distinct transcriptome, translatome, and proteome reprogramming during mouse oocyte-to-embryo in Genome Biology!

2023.6 Congrats to Lijia Li, Fangnong Lai, and Zhuoning Zou for successfully obtaining their Ph.D. degree!

2023.5 Congrats to Xiaotong Wu for publishing the enhancer silencing review in Trens in Biochemical Sciences!

2023.4 Welcome Feng Kong, Huanni Lin, and Zongyu Li to join the Xie lab for their Ph.D. study!


2022.12 Congrats to Guang Yu for successfully obtaining his Ph.D. degree!

2022.9 Congrats to Zhuoning Zou, Qiuyan Wang for publishing the human translatome during oocyte-to-zygotic transition and pre-implantation development and the role of TPRXs in zygotic genome activation in Science!

2022.8 Welcome Yanna Dang to join the Xie lab as a PostDoc!

2022.6 Congrats to Zhuqing Xiong, Kai Xu, Zili Lin, Feng Kong, and Qiujun Wang for publishing the mouse translatome during the oocyte-to-zygotic transition and pre-implantation development in Nature cell biology!

2022.5 Congrats to Kai Xu and Zhuqing Xiong for successfully obtaining their Ph.D. degree!

2022.4 Welcome Jiaqi Sun, Ziming Zhou, and Jiacheng Wang to join the Xie lab for their Ph.D. study!

2022.3 Welcome Xianle Shi to join the Xie lab as a PostDoc!

2022.2 Congrats to Yu Zhang for publishing the genome architecture during the maternal to zygotic transition review in Curr Opin Genet Dev!


2021.12 Congrats to Xiaotong Wu, Hongmei Zhang and Bingjie Zhang for publishing the epigenetic gate that safeguards embryonic programs of zebrafish in Science Advances!

2021.12 Congrats to Dr. Ke Zhang for successfully obtaining her Ph.D degree!

2021.11 Congrats to Xukun Lu, Yu Zhang and Lijuan Wang for publishing the evolutionary epigenomic analyses in mammalian early embryos in Science Advances!

2021.8 Congrats to Zhenhai Du and Ke Zhang for publishing the epigenetic reprogramming review in Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology!

2021.6 Congrats to Zhenhai Du for publishing the heterochromatin remodeling during senescence study in Genome Research!

2021.6 Congrats to Dr. Yao Wang for successfully obtaining her Ph.D degree!

2021.4 Congrats to Yunlong Xiang for publishing the formative pluripotent stem cells study in Cell Research!

2021.4 Welcome Qiuyan Wang, Chunyi Huang, and Xi Wu to join the Xie lab for their Ph.D study!


2020.12 Congrats to Yao for publishing the Epigo study in Genome Biology!

2020.10 Congrats to Bofeng, Qianhua and Qiujun for publishing the early embryo Pol II study in Nature!

2019.11 Congrats to Weikun and Fengling for winning the CLS postdoc fellowship!

2020.10 Congrats to Weikun for publishing the epigenetic review in Stem Cell Reports!

2020.8 Congrats to Qiujun, and Guang for publishing the DNMT1 study in Nature Genetics!

2020.8 Welcome Yitian Zeng, Liangjun Hu, and Xiaoyu Hu to join the Xie lab for their Ph.D study!

2020.7 Welcome Lijuan Wang to join the Xie lab as a Research Associate!

2020.7 Welcome Qing Zhao to join the Xie lab as a Research Associate!

2020.6 Congrats to Ke, Hui, and Yao for publishing the 3D genome reprogramming of SCNT study in Molecular Cell!

2020.4 Congrats to Qiujun for winning the CLS postdoc fellowship!

2020.3 Welcome Fengling Chen to join the Xie lab for her postdoc study!

2020.3 Welcome Hongmei Zhang to join the Xie lab for her postdoc study!

2020.1 Congrats to Jingyi for winning Damon Runyon fellowship

2020.1Congrats to Bingjie for winning Chorafas prize


2019.12 Congrats to Yunlong and Yu, for publishing the super bivalency during gastruation study in Nature Genetics!

2019.12 Congrats to Zhenhai, Hui, and Ke for publishing the 3D genome of oocytes study in Molecular Cell!

2019.11 Congrats to Shuyan for winning the CLS postdoc fellowship!

2019.10 Welcome Dr. Shuyan Ji to join the Xie lab for her postdoc study!

2019.10 Congrats to Bofeng for winning the Tsinghua Shuimu Scholar postdoc fellowship!

2019.10 Congrats to Weikun and Qiujun to successfully defend their Ph.D thesis!

2019.9 Congrats to Dr. Xie for being awarded by the 1st Xplorer Prize funded by Tencent!

2019.8 Welcome Feng Kong to join the Xie lab as a Research Associate!

2019.7 Welcome Xiangzheng Chen to join the Xie lab as a lab manager!

2019.7 Congrats to Weikun, Guang, and Kai for publishing the human embryo histone modification study in Science! A wonderful collaboration with Dr. Yingpu Sun’s lab!

2019.7 Congrats to Yunlong and Bofeng to successfully defend their Ph.D thesis!

2019.6 Congrats to Hui Zheng for publishing the 3D genome in development review in Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology!

2019.4 Congrats to Qianhua, Yunlong, and Qiujun for publishing the SETD2 study in Nature Genetics! A wonderful collaboration with Dr. Li Li and Wei Li’s labs!

2019.2 Congrats to Yao, Yu and Zhenhai for publishing the meiotic chromatin reprogramming study in Molecular Cell!


2018.12 Congrats to Yu and Yao for publishing a book chapter on popular science book on epigenetics!

2018.12 Congrats to Dr. Xie for being awarded as Shulan Medical Science Young Scholar!

2018.12 Congrats to Dr. Xie for being awarded as VcanBio Life Science Innovation Award!

2018.12 Congrats to Xie Lab for winning Beijing Frontier of Life Science funding!

2018.10 Congrats to Xiaotong for winning the poster prize in Frontiers of Reproductive Biology conference in Beijing!

2018.10 Congrats to Bingjie, Xiaotong, Wenhao for publishing the zebrafish early embryo epigenetic reprogramming study in Molecular Cell!

2018.10 Congrats to Bingjie for being chosen as a speaker for the CSHA-Systems Biology and Genome Editing, and for winning the best poster prize!

2018.10 Congrats to Xukun for winning the CLS postdoc fellowship!

2018.8 Welcome Xukun Lu to join the Xie Lab as a postdoc fellow!

2018.6 Congrats to Dr. Yuanyuan Li for successfully obtaining her Ph.D degrees!

2018.5 Congrats to Jingyi, Bofeng, Zili and our collaborators from Dr. Yingpu Sun and Dr. Jie Na’s lab for publishing the human embryo chromatin study in Nature!

2018.4 Congrats to Bofeng for winning the “Best Poster Award” (2nd prize) in the CSHA-Chromatin and Epigenetic conference!

2018.1 Congrats to Yuanyuan and Hui for publishing the DMV study in Genome Biology!

2018.1 Congrats to Bingjie for winning WuXi AppTec iTalent in Life Science!


2018.1 Congrats to Bingjie for winning WuXi AppTec iTalent in Life Science!

2017.12 Congrats to Dr. Yu Zhang for successfully obtaining her Ph.D degree!

2017.12 Congrats to Yu, Yunlong, Qiangzong, and Zhenhai for publishing the early lineage epigenome study in Nature Genetics!

2017.12 Congrats to Qianhua for publishing a review for chromatin regulation in early development in Trends in Cell Biology!

2017.11 Congrats to Zhenhai for winning Outstanding Award from Beijing Advanced Innovation Center for Structure Biology!

2017.11 Congrats to the Xie Lab for passing THU-PKU CLS review. We will continue to receive the support for the next 5 years!

2017.10 Congrats to Dr. Xie for winning C. C. Tan Life Science Innovation Award!

2017.08 Congrats to the Xie Lab to receive the Outstanding Youth Fund from NSFC!

2017.07 Congrats to Dr. Xie to obtain his tenure in Tsinghua University!

2017.06 Congrats to Dr. Jingyi Wu, Dr. Wenhao Zhang, and Dr. Hui Zheng for successfully obtaining their Ph.D degrees!

2017.05 Congrats to Dr. Xie for winning the HHMI International Research Scholar Award!

2017.04 Welcome Yao Wang, Ke Zhang, and Zhuqing Xiong to join the Xie lab for their Ph.D studies!

2017.04 Congrats to Jingyi for earning the “Best Poster Award” in the 1st Chromatin Biology Conference in Shenzhen!

2017.04 Congrats to Chen Zhou to be admitted by Harvard for Ph.D study!


2016.12 Congrats to Bo to successfully defend his Ph.D thesis! The first graduate from the Xie lab.

2016.12 Congrats to Jingyi and our collaborator Xu lab for publishing the adipocyte epigenome work in PLoS Genetics!

2016.12 Congrats to Wenhao and Weikun for publishing their TET1 work in Molecular Cell!

2016.10 Congrats to Jingyi for earning the “Best Poster Award” (first-class) in Developmental Biology Annual Conference in Hangzhou!

2016.10 Congrats to Jingyi for earning the “Best Poster Award” (first-class) in Cold Spring Harbor Asia – Systems Biology and Genome Editing conference!

2016.09 Congrats to Bingjie, Hui and Bo for publishing their H3K4me3 and H3K27me3 work in Nature and Molecular Cell!

2016.06.30 Congrats to Jingyi and Bo! The ATAC-seq project, the first paper from the Xie lab, was published in Nature as an article!

2016.04 Welcome Bofeng Liu to the Xie lab! Enjoy the Ph.D life!

2016.03 Welcome Qiujun Wang to the Xie lab! Enjoy the Ph.D study!